Many years ago, Fritz Stahlecker tried to show what difference it makes starting young horses with the traditional method or starting them with HSH. It was a very interesting project with two groups of young horses at the state stud Marbach, which unfortunately was not brought to a good end. But one day Chris Hector passed by and Fritz was delighted to get to know him and give him an idea of how he was working with the horses – at a very early stage at that time. I am very grateful to him that in these days after Fritz’s death he remembered him. Thank you Chris for the nice article in honour of Fritz Stahlecker!
Licence for the HSH-Center-Curb-Bit
Since quite some years we try to get permission to use the HSH-Center-Curb-But during competitions. We need as many riders as possible who are willing to test the bit and to write us or to the FN a report on their experiences. An increasing number of riders confirm that their horses like the bit, they are much more relaxed during riding, that they horses keep their neck and head easily in the right position. This bit is horse friendly and we ask you to help and contribute that soon hopefully many horses may enjoy this much lighter mean of communication with their rider. If you are interested see and contact us. For the benefit of the horses!
Available in English: Practical Training Guide for the HSH-Method
Unfortunately the "bible" of HSH, "Das motivierte Dressurpferd", is still not available in English, but we can offer you the Practical Training Guide for the HSH-Method. Fritz Stahlecker wrote this manual in 2007/2008. With this much more concise and in comparison to the book revised manual he gives a sort of guide line how to proceed when practising HSH. He describes week by week which exercise would be recommandable and explains how to go on. Very helpful and encouraging for all those who work with this method on their own!
Gruss aus Kansas City, USA!
Ich bin seit langem in den USA lebende deutsche Reiterin mit Hochachtung für Fritz Stahlecker und seine Trainingsmethoden. Gerade überlege ich, das ‘Set’ der Bodenarbeits-Ausrüstung zu bestellen. Ich danke Ihnen für diese tolle Website!!
Hallo Anna Haber,
und einen herzlichen Gruß zurück in die USA.
Wäre schön, wenn Sie sich entschließen könnten, die HSH-Methode zu probieren. Ich helfe gerne, so gut es aus der Entfernung geht.
Es gibt auch einige in den USA, die sie praktizieren.
Lassen Sie doch von sich hören”
Liebe Grüße Petra