Book (in German): Fritz Stahlecker, Das motivierte Dressurpferd
Eine außergewöhnliche Methode setzt sich durch. Olympischer Erfolg war notwendig – und doch gibt es immer noch argwöhnische Beobachter. Dennoch, endlich ist es gelungen, den wertvollen Schatz von Erfahrungen eines langen Ausbilderlebens zu sammeln und festzuhalten. Keine theoretischen Idealvorstellungen, sondern unendlich wertvolle Tips, konkrete, bis ins Detail gehende Anleitungen, nachvollziehbare Schritte für den gewaltfreien Ausbildungsweg eines Pferdes.
Kosmos Verlag, 245 Seiten, 160 Abbildungen, Neuauflage 2008
DVD / Video: In-hand-work for young dressage horses Part I and II
Horses are like children, their ability to learn is greater in the first years of life. If horses are carefully and gently trained in-hand the first years of their life, the qualities will be fostered well and perfect results can be achieved later on.
With his exceptional hand-saddle-hand-method, Fritz Stahlecker shows how to train movements up to advanced dressage exercises with young, only two-year-old horses – gently, without any stress and considering important sport psychological aspects. If the horse is backed at the age of four, the rider can start on an already advanced horse that knows the exercises and that has already developped the necessary muscles to carry the rider without any problems. He continues to train collection and cadence in-hand later on – this is of great advantage for the body and the soul of the horse.
„Légereté“ – riding without a strong influence of the hand – is what every rider should strive for. The well padded schooling bridle of Fritz Stahlecker was especially designed for the basic in-hand training. The young horse learns basic exercises without the rider’s weight, without any bit. His mind gets challenged, yet there will be no resistance which has the positive result of no tension or wrong movements. The horse will be ready for high performance training. All those who prefer aethestetics and creativity rather than force and strength when training dressage horses will love this film.
Pferdia tv ( length of the film: each 58 minutes
Part 1: basics
Part 2: advanced work
HSH-Manual – a practical training guide
Unfortunately we have not reached a translation of the book “The motivated dressage horse. From the beginning to Grand Prix”. But several years ago Fritz Stahlecker wrote a concise manual, a sort of practical abbreviation of his book on training training horses with the HSH-method. In this manual you find the essential hints and proposals for excercises and how you can teach them step by step. It is a valuable guideline in your daily work with the horse – and if it is not sufficient you can always mail us, ask us, send us fotos or videos!
80 pages with drawings